Saturday 5 February 2022
By Moschos Lagouvardos
FIRST THOUGHT: For the Church: "Gates of hell shall prevail against her." (And it will not be conquered by the forces of hell.)
It's morning. My first thought as soon as I get out of bed is the memory of God. I remember God. Memory of God is an encounter with God, that is, union with God.
I open the Gospel by chance and emphasize what interests me directly. I quote it here in the original and in translation. Then I write the associations.
From Ioannis K '19-23:
(Peace be upon you. As the Father sent me, I also send you. Receive the Holy Spirit.)
From the Book of Acts: Chapter 2, 1-11.
Psalm 18: Their voice went out into all the earth.. The heavens tell the glory of God.
"We hear the greatness of God shouting at them." Amazed! Everyone heard the Apostles speak in their own language
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